XpertJet 1641SR
The XpertJet 1641SR printer will deliver you money-making flexibility for many years to come !

Print head
180 nozzles x 8 lines / head
Drop Mass Range (pl)
- Max. Media width: 1625 mm (63.97")
- Max. Print Width 1615 mm (63.58")
- Max. Media Thickness 0.3 / 1.3 / 2.8 mm
- Media Measurements Ø 150 mm / 2" or 3 " / 30 kg
- Ink Type MS41 / UMS
- Ink Volume / Colours 300 ml - 1000 ml / 1000 ml (CMYK, Lc, Lm, Lk)
- Piezo drop on demand sign & display printer - 64” - 162 cm
- High precision aluminum extrusion for extremely accurate ink dot placement, new cosmetics, new print platen and smart Printed Circuit Board box design.
- High precision aluminum extrusion for extremely accurate ink dot placement, new cosmetics, new print platen and smart Printed Circuit Board box design.
- Enhanced media handling and transport
- Dual Ink Type – new generation Eco-Solvent inks and award winning UMS11 inks
- For starters or established print shops needing extra versatility and flexibility as well as for businesses focusing on the combination of speed production and top quality print work
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Latest technology
The CMYK XpertJet 1641SR printer is suited for the production of long term outdoor applications: full-colour posters, banners, backlit signage, POS displays, external notices for buildings, production plants and construction sites as well as adhesive signs and stickers. Apart from outdoor applications, the XpertJet 1641SR is also an excellent choice for durable photo-realistic prints for indoor use.