Vi sælger ikke bare printere. Med mere end 20 års erfaring med print og salg af maskiner til grafisk industri, kan vi nemt vejlede dig i, hvilken løsning der vil være bedst til netop din produktion. Vores printere er tilmed også de bedste på markedet.
Vores vision er at tilbyde de bedste printere, skæreborde, RIP software og efterbehandlingsudstyr, der findes på markedet. Hos os får du mere end bare en printer:
- Med mere end 20 års erfaring med UV print og printproduktion, sørger vi for,
at du kommer godt i gang med at printe - Serviceaftale med kompetente serviceteknikere
- Du får en verden af printmuligheder!

NIZE academy - et tiltag til innovative kunder
Vi elsker at se vores kunder skabe innovative og spændende produkter. Derfor har vi startet NIZE academy, som er et tilbud til eksisterende kunder, der allerede har vores produkter ude hos sig.
NIZE academy er et udbud af efteruddannelseskurser, hvor vores kunder kan tilkøbe muligheden for at besøge vores showroom over nogle dage. Her kan de lære endnu mere om, hvilke muligheder de forskellige cuttere, printere og software kan åbne for.
Vores dygtige applicationspecialister vil instruere i indstillinger og teknikker, så alle deltagere vender hjem med nye færdigheder og idéer til gavn for deres virksomhed.

Markedsleder i Europa siden 2015
Flatbedprinteren Nyala fra swissQprint har ligget øverst på den europæiske LFP salgsrangering otte år i træk. Intet sammenligneligt produkt giver bedre pris/ydelse og flere muligheder…

Vi donerer til velgørenhed
NIZE charity støtter forskellige formål som børns trivsel, helbred og mental sundhed, innovation, fremmelse af kultur, initiativer til fremme af fællesskaber m.m.
The Oryx printer lives fully up to our expectations. We are especially pleased with the specific features which white and varnish gives us. Printing with white and varnish makes a print look perfect and emphasise special elements at the product.
We have had the printer since February 2010 and we have not yet had any problems with the production of print that couldn’t be solved by ourselves. That is of course very important to us.
In our business every hour of production counts. It is also very important to us when we have a specific question regarding the printer or rip that we have a quick answer to our problem, and that is the case with both swissQprint and NIZE equipment. They provide us with the answers or service we need so that we can keep our production going at all times.
We have by November 2011 purchased an Impala printer also. This we have done to be able to print faster roll-to-roll and still in the highest quality on the market. This is what we get with an Impala printer from NIZE equipment.
By having both Oryx and Impala printers in our company we can supply our costumers with a wide range of products and being able to produce different medias at the same time
The great thing about swissQprint is that instead of building different machines with "fixed" features for different needs (i e super high resolution, white ink, 6 colors, varnish, etc.) they created the Oryx. The Oryx is like the iPhone of large format printers! It is more than just great engineering, it is a platform that enables us to have everything we want and yet use only the features we need for each individual print job.
The new High speed feature that doubles production speed is a perfect proof of that. We of course want that new feature - So... We don't have to buy a new printer - we just add the new application to our existing machine. Just like I add new applications to my iPhone...
But the real amazing thing - It has now been 6 month since we installed it and we have not had even one production problem!"